Future Directions 2024
Parks, Forestry and
Environment Master Plan

Client City of Mississauga
Location Mississauga| Ontario | Canada

The City of Mississauga is confronting the complex challenges of having continual population growth with a finite amount of parkland. Future Directions 2024 will assist in mitigating current and future parkland needs as Mississauga continues to evolve.

Future Directions 2024 provides a 10 year outlook of open space needs in the City, and is updated every 5 years to stay current to new and emerging demands. O2 is leading the Parks, Forestry and Environment Master Plan component to the City’s Future Directions 2024. Future Directions will also update plans for Recreation, Culture, Library, Fire & Emergency Services concurrently.

Working with the City, this plan provides extensive research in best practices for several areas of parkland provisioning, operations, and management, from comparable cities throughout North America. Our process includes all-encompassing public and stakeholder engagement, helping to identify current and future challenges the City is facing. Our analysis also provides critical data, including parkland utilization and visitation, provisioning levels for sports, assessing the quantity of unprogrammed park space, and spaces that can be considered for new parkland. This information will be used to develop recommendations to support the City’s parks, forestry and environmental objectives. These objectives include everyday operations to parks including woodland management, maintenance practices for parks & sports fields, and forestry operations. However, Future Directions will also include ambitious goals such as planting 1,000,000 trees by 2032, advancing urban agriculture, new parkland acquisition in the City Centre and supporting the City’s Climate Change Action Plan.